Junos Intermediate Routing (JIR) ...
This two-day course provides students with intermediate routing knowledge and configuration examples.
The course includes an overview of protocol-independent routing features, load balancing and filter-based forwarding, OSPF, BGP, IP tunneling, and high availability (HA) features.
Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience in configuring and monitoring the Junos OS and monitoring device operations.
This course uses Juniper Networks vSRX Series Services Gateways for the hands-on component, but the lab environment does not preclude the course from being applicable to other Juniper hardware platforms running the Junos OS.
This course is based on Junos OS Release 18.2R1.9.
Junos Intermediate Routing (JIR) is an intermediate-level course.
This course benefits individuals responsible for configuring and monitoring devices running the Junos OS.
Day 1
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Chapter 2: Protocol-Independent Routing
Static Routes
Aggregated Routes
Generated Routes
Martian Addresses
Routing Instances
Lab 1: Protocol-Independent Routing
Chapter 3: Load Balancing and Filter-Based Forwarding
Overview of Load Balancing
Configuring and Monitoring Load Balancing
Overview of Filter-Based Forwarding
Configuring and Monitoring Filter-Based Forwarding
Lab 2: Load Balancing and Filter-Based Forwarding
Chapter 4: Open Shortest Path First
Overview of OSPF
Adjacency Formation and the Designated Router Election
OSPF Scalability
Configuring and Monitoring OSPF
Basic OSPF Troubleshooting
Lab 3: Open Shortest Path First
Day 2
Chapter 5: Border Gateway Protocol
Overview of BGP
BGP Attributes
Configuring and Monitoring BGP
Lab 4: Border Gateway Protocol
Chapter 6: IP Tunneling
Overview of IP Tunneling
GRE and IP-IP Tunnels
Implementing GRE and IP-IP Tunnels
Lab 5: IP Tunneling
Chapter 7: High Availability
Overview of High Availability Networks
Graceful Restart
Graceful RE Switchover
Nonstop Active Routing
Lab 6: High Availability
Appendix A: IPv6
Introduction to IPv6
Routing Protocol Configuration Examples
Tunneling IPv6 over IPv4
Lab 7 (Optional): IPv6
Appendix B: IS-IS
Overview of IS-IS
Overview of IS-IS PDUs
Adjacency Formation and DIS Election
Configuring and Monitoring IS-IS
Basic IS-IS Troubleshooting
Lab 8 (Optional): IS-IS
Appendix C: Routing Information Protocol
Introduction to RIP
RIP Configuration Examples
Monitoring and Troubleshooting RIP
Tekniska förkunskapskrav
Students should have basic networking knowledge and an understanding of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and the TCP/IP protocol suite. Students should also attend the Introduction to the Junos Operating System (IJOS) and Junos Routing Essentials (JRE) courses prior to attending this class.
Junos Intermediate Routing is an intermediate-level course.
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Arrow ECS Education – Utbildar IT-proffs
Söker du avancerade IT-kurser för att bättre kunna hantera ditt företags IT-miljö? Då har du kommit rätt! Arrow ECS har genomfört certifierade IT-utbildningar för konsultbolag och slutanvändare sedan 1992. Vi kan distribution av IT-produkter och tjänster och förstår därmed vilka krav...