VMware NSX-T Data Center: Migration from NSX Data Center for vSphere ...
This thee-day, hands-on training course provides you with the skills, techniques, and tools required to successfully migrate your current VMware NSX® Data Center for vSphere® environment to VMware NSX-T™ Data Center. In this course, you learn to choose between different migration approaches and to perform the type of migration that best suits your current environment. In addition, you are presented with common migration problems and resolutions.
Product Alignment
• VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.x
• Network and security professionals who work with enterprise and data center networks
1 Course Introduction
• Introduction and course logistics
• Course objectives
2 Introduction to NSX-T Data Center
• Contrast the NSX-T Data Center architecture with the architecture of NSX Data Center for vSphere.
• Describe the logical switching components in NSX-T Data Center
• Describe the components and functions of NSX-T Data Center logical routing
• Describe the security features of NSX-T Data Center
• Explain the implementation of networking services in NSX-T Data Center
3 Migration Techniques
• Describe In-place migration
• Describe Lift and Shift migration
• Compare migration approaches
• Determine the best migration strategy based on requirements
4 In-place Migration Topologies
• Identify the NSX Data Center for vSphere topologies supported by the Migration Coordinator
• Explain how network and security objects are translated from NSX Data Center for vSphere to NSX-T Data
5 In-place Migration Using the Migration Coordinator
• Prepare the NSX Data Center for vSphere environment for migration with the Migration Coordinator
• Migrate the NSX Data Center for vSphere environment with the Migration Coordinator
• Perform post-migration tasks
• Describe the vSphere Networking Migration feature
6 Troubleshooting In-Place Migration
• Troubleshoot issues based on the in-place migration workflow
• Identify log files used in troubleshooting in-place migration
• Identify and resolve common issues related to the Migration Coordinator
7 Lift and Shift Migration Approaches
• Describe pre-requisites for Lift and Shift migrations
• Perform Lift and Shift migrations using L2 bridging
• Perform Lift and Shift migrations using HCX
8 Troubleshooting Lift and Shift Migration
• Identify log files used in troubleshooting Lift and Shift migrations
• Identify and resolve common issues related to Lift and Shit migrations.
Arrow ECS
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Arrow ECS Education – Utbildar IT-proffs
Söker du avancerade IT-kurser för att bättre kunna hantera ditt företags IT-miljö? Då har du kommit rätt! Arrow ECS har genomfört certifierade IT-utbildningar för konsultbolag och slutanvändare sedan 1992. Vi kan distribution av IT-produkter och tjänster och förstår därmed vilka krav...