VMware vSAN: Management and Operations [V7] ...
In this three-day course, you learn about managing and operating VMware vSAN™ 7. This course focuses on building the required skills for common Day-2 vSAN administrator tasks such as, vSAN node management, cluster maintenance, security operations and advanced vSAN cluster operations. You also gain practical experience through the completion of instructor-led activities and hands-on lab exercises.
Storage and virtual infrastructure administrators who are responsible for production support and administration of VMware vSAN 7.
1 Course Introduction
- • Introductions and course logistics
- • Course objectives
2 vSAN Node Management
- • Recognize the importance of hardware compatibility
- • Ensure the compatibility of driver and firmware versioning
- • Use tools to automate driver validation and installation
- • Apply host hardware settings for optimum performance
- • Use vSphere Lifecycle Manager to perform upgrades
3 vSAN Resilience and Data Availability Operations
- • Describe vSAN storage policies
- • Recognize the impact of a vSAN storage policy change
- • Describe and configure the Object Repair Timer advanced option
- • Plan disk replacement in a vSAN cluster
- • Plan maintenance tasks to avoid vSAN object failures
- • Recognize the importance of managing snapshot utilization in a vSAN cluster
- • Configure the vSAN fault domains
4 vSAN Cluster Maintenance
- • Perform typical vSAN maintenance operations
- • Describe vSAN maintenance modes and data evacuation options
- • Assess the impact on cluster objects of entering maintenance mode
- • Determine the specific data actions required after exiting maintenance mode
- • Define the steps to shut down and reboot hosts and vSAN clusters
- • Use best practices for boot devices
- • Replace vSAN nodes
5 vSAN Storage Space Efficiency
- • Discuss deduplication and compression techniques
- • Understand deduplication and compression overhead
- • Discuss compression only mode
- • Configure erasure coding
- • Configure swap object thin provisioning
- • Discuss reclaiming storage space with SCSI UNMAP
- • Configure TRIM/UNMAP
6 vSAN Cluster Performance Monitoring
- • Describe how the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) enables VMware to improve products and services
- • Use vSphere Skyline Health for monitoring vSAN cluster health
- • Manage alerts, alarms, and notifications related to vSAN in VMware vSphere® Client™
7 vSAN Security Operations
- • Identify differences between VM encryption and vSAN encryption
- • Perform ongoing operations to maintain data security
- • Describe the workflow of data-in transit encryption
- • Identify the steps involved in replacing Key Management Server (KMS)
8 vSAN Direct
- • Discuss the use cases for vSAN Direct
- • Understand the overall architecture of vSAN Direct
- • Describe the workflow of vSAN Direct datastore creation
- • Explore how vSAN Direct works with storage policy tagging
9 Remote vSAN
- • Discuss the use cases for remote vSAN
- • Understand the high-level architecture
- • Describe remote datastore operations
- • Discuss the network requirement
- • Interoperability between remote vSAN and VMware vSphere® High Availability
10 vSAN Native File Service
- • Discuss the use cases for vSAN file service
- • Understand the high-level architecture of vSAN file service
- • Discuss the authentication model
- • Configure file shares
- • Monitor file share health and capacity utilization
11 Manage Advanced vSAN Cluster Operations
- • Describe the architecture for stretched clusters and two-node clusters
- • Understand the importance of witness node
- • Describe how stretched cluster storage policies affect vSAN objects
- • Create and apply a vSAN stretched cluster policy to meet specific needs
- • Discuss stretched cluster failure scenarios and responses
Tekniska förkunskapskrav
Completion of the following courses is required:
- • VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [v7] or equivalent knowledge
- • VMware vSAN: Plan and Deploy [v7]
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Arrow ECS Education – Utbildar IT-proffs
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Arrow ECS Education – Utbildar IT-proffs
Söker du avancerade IT-kurser för att bättre kunna hantera ditt företags IT-miljö? Då har du kommit rätt! Arrow ECS har genomfört certifierade IT-utbildningar för konsultbolag och slutanvändare sedan 1992. Vi kan distribution av IT-produkter och tjänster och förstår därmed vilka krav...