Basic fire protection for offices
The course covers what all employees need to know about fire safety. Among other things, the participants gain knowledge about how a fire occurs, different types of fire safety installations, what a fire risk is and how to act safely in the event of a fire. The course is quality assured by the expertise of the Swedish Fire Protection Association.
Kommande kursstarter
Varför välja Brandskyddsföreningen?
Kursledare med
Erbjuder hybridupplägg
Eftertraktad utbildning
- the fire protection of a building
- what responsibility you and others have for fire safety
- how to recognize and prevent fire hazards
- the rapid course of fires and their consequences
- how to act safely in different fire scenarios
- what you need to know in case of an evacuation
Each user can at any time during the first 11 months of the agreement log in to his/hers user account and take part of the e-learning course. After the first login to the system, the e-learning course is available for the individual user for 30 days. The subscription is valid for 1 year and expires automatically. User licenses are personal and may not be sold or distributed to any other part without the Swedish Fire Protection Association's written permission.
Examen, diplom m.m.
The course ends with a test that validates the knowledge of the participant. After completing the test, the participant will receive a digital printable diploma.
Vilken utbildning som passar dig och ditt företag och på vilken nivå brandskyddet och brandsäkerheten ska vara beror till stor del på verksamhetens storlek, vilka brandrisker som finns och vilken funktion du har i företaget. Med rätt utbildning och rätt kunskap kan...
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