Sign up for a presentation of the SSE MBA Executive Format program!
A program that prepares you to take on new challenges as a leader, and offers you the opportunity to earn both an MBA degree and three international certificates. Get detailed information and see if it's a good fit for your future ambitions. Apart from others interested in the program, you will meet representatives from the school, and alumni who will share their experiences. If you are looking for an Executive MBA from a business school out of the ordinary, join us for information and inspiration!
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Handelshögskolan i Stockholm - Stockholm School of Economics
Handelshögskolan i Stockholm (HHS) är en internationell handelshögskola baserad i Stockholm, Sverige. HHS är rankad som den bästa i Norden och de Baltiska länderna, och har högt anseende både nationellt och internationellt. SSE erbjuder kandidatprogram, master- och forskarutbildningar, MBA program...
Läs mer om Handelshögskolan i Stockholm och visa alla utbildningar.