Course description:
The training is given via video link and corresponds to a regular teacher-led training where the participants will have the opportunity to collaborate via this medium and ask questions directly to the teacher.
Course goals:
The participants must gain basic work environment knowledge and a good understanding of how collaboration between employers, safety representatives and other employees in work environment issues should work.
Kommande kursstarter
Target groups:
Managers, supervisors, safety representatives and worker who in their professional role need knowledge of how work environment issues are to be handled.
The course mainly deals with the following points:
- How the participant should be able to collaborate on work environment issues in the workplace
- How the participant should be able to investigate risks and contribute to implementing preventive measures to achieve a good working environment
- SAM - Systematic Work Environment
- OSA - Organizational and social work environment
- How the participant should be able to follow and overview the connection between a good work environment and the development of the business
- How the participant should be able to search for further information and be able to translate it into the daily work environment.
Tid & plats
Time and place
8 600 SEK
Kompetensutveckla.se erbjuder aktuella utbildningar inom arbetsmiljökunskap samt kurser som är till för att höja säkerheten på arbetsplatserna. Våra kurser är alltid genomarbetade och syftet är att kursdeltagarna ska få kunskaper och bra verktyg som dem kan använda i sin dagliga...