Visual Analytics: Fast Track SAS®
This course teaches how to explore data and build reports using SAS Visual Analytics. You will also learn the basics about the SAS Visual Analytics data preparation interface
Learn how to:
interact with the environment via the SAS Visual Analytics Hub
access and prepare data for exploration, analysis, and reporting
explore data using the SAS Visual Analytics Explorer
create reports with the SAS Visual Analytics Designer
view reports using the SAS Visual Analytics Viewer and SAS Mobile BI
Kommande kursstarter
Who should attend:
BI content developers who need to learn how to use the functionality provided by SAS Visual Analytics.
This course addresses the following software product(s): SAS Visual Analytics.
No SAS experience or programming experience is required, although you should have some computer experience.
Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics:
exploring SAS Visual Analytics concepts
using the SAS Visual Analytics Home page
discussing the course environment and scenario
preparing data for SAS Visual Analytics
Using the SAS Visual Analytics Explorer:
examining the Visual Analytics Explorer
opening a data source
creating visualizations
interacting with visualizations
Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics:
examining the SAS Visual Analytics Designer interface
creating a simple report
working with graphs
providing multi-section reports
working with gauges
working with tables
working with text and images
establishing interactions
Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports:
viewing reports on the Web
viewing reports on a mobile device
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